Bel Air Independence Day Committee
July 4 Contact Form

Note: do not use this form to apply to be in the parade — instead, fill out the Online Parade Application.

E-mail Address:

Phone Number:

About You

Your Main Interest:

Questions or Comments:

Is water wet or dry?
Please answer the above question so that we can be sure you are a human being!
We're Looking for the New Miss Bel Air!
Design the 2025 Program Cover!

Thanks to You, It Happens!

We believe that Independence Day in Bel Air, with its traditional small-town events run by dedicated volunteers, offers a truly American experience, and one that deserves support.

We Can't Go It Alone — We Need Your Help

We must raise the money that it takes to bring the whole day together and celebrate our glorious holiday in fitting style — that's why we're asking you to please join us in this patriotic work:

The Bel Air July 4th Celebration — from dawn to night — is run by an independent, non-profit committee: the Bel Air Independence Day Committee, Inc.

This Committee must raise the money that it takes to bring the whole day together and celebrate our glorious holiday in fitting style.

Each year, local businesses, organizations, clubs and individuals lend invaluable support to the Bel Air Independence Day festivities by contributing to the Committee.

Won't you join them? Please download this Contribution Form, which gives you all the needed information on how you can support the 4th of July in Bel Air. We need:

  • PREMIER SPONSOR — $17,500 Donation. This our most honored and visible sponsorship; it includes credit for the Fireworks and first mention in every press release, one-line, etc.
  • PARADE SPONSOR — $15,000 Donation. This means that the sponsor is given naming privileges for the parade: "The XYZ Company Bel Air July 4th Parade." The credit is mentioned every time and of course leads off the parade. For further information, please Send an e-mail to the Bel Air Independence Day Committee.
  • SPONSOR OF THE SHAMROCK PARK EVENTS — $7,500 Donation. This is an extremely visible and important part of our day: all the family-friendly events in Shamrock Park, beginning with a flag ceremony and ending with Watermelon Eating! For further information, please Send an e-mail to the Bel Air Independence Day Committee.
  • SPONSOR OF THE HORSESHOE PITCHING CONTEST — $5,000 Donation. Our Horseshoe Pitching Contest brings contestants from a tri-state area and lasts about 5 hours! It's so crowded we are able to have vendors at it! For further information, please Send an e-mail to the Bel Air Independence Day Committee.
  • PROGRAM SPONSOR — $3,000 Donation. This an extremely visible and important part of helping the entire day-long celebration. We print 10,000 programs that include maps, schedules, lists, important info about the 4th, artwork by local children, and more, and distribute them about 10 days before July 4, to over 350 stores, businesses and functions in and around the Town of Bel Air, and Fallston, Hickory, Churchville and Abingdon. The programs are free and given to all shoppers and visitors by these businesses. The Program Sponsor is given 3/4 of the back cover for a patriotic message in full color! This is the only "ad" allowed in the entire program. Plus, credit is given inside the program, and at the Reviewing Stand our announcer describes your business and thanks you. You are also prominently listed on this web site, and in all publicity surrounding the 4th. For further information, please Send an e-mail to the Bel Air Independence Day Committee.
  • BAND SPONSOR — $1,750 Donation ($1,500 if a returning sponsor). This a most important part of helping the parade. We carry your banner in front of your sponsored band, and at the Reviewing Stand our announcer describes your business and thanks you. You are also prominently listed in the official program, on this web site, and in all publicity surrounding the 4th. For a list of bands AVAILABLE for sponsorship, please Send an e-mail to the Bel Air Independence Day Committee
  • Cash Donations: these tax-deductible contributions are the traditional way local businesses and individuals have helped the July 4th celebration over the years. We are extremely grateful for the continuing support of so many local, forward-thinking families and companies.

    We credit these cash contributions in our Official Program, in categories:
    • Founders: $1,000 Donation or above

    • Minutemen: $750-$999 Donation

    • Skyrockets: $500-$749 Donation

    • Roman Candles: $250-$499 Donation

    • Firecrackers: $100-$249 Donation

  • Other Donations: We gratefully accept donations in-kind, in-service, and of cash in any amount, but do not list donors of under $100 in the program. For further information, please Send an e-mail to the Bel Air Independence Day Committee.

You can DONATE safely on line, using PayPal or any major credit card! Just select the button above or below! All donations are tax-deductible.

You may also call 410-879-4245 and leave a message about your interest, and a member of the Committee will contact you.

The Bel Air Independence Day Committee, Inc., appreciates the generous contributions of our patrons. Their gifts underwrite many of the expenses of the various activities!


The Bel Air Independence Day Committee, Inc.
P.O. Box 724 • Bel Air, Maryland 21014
410-879-4245 (Answering Service)

All trademarks, art work, coding, copy, etc., are property of the Bel Air Independence Day Committee, Inc., unless otherwise noted, and may not be reproduced or copied without permission.

The Bel Air Independence Day Committee, Inc., is recognized by the United States Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt corporation.

© 2003-2022 The Bel Air Independence Day Committee, Inc. All rights reserved. Send an e-mail to the Bel Air Independence Day Committee
General Disclaimer and Terms of Use.